Lifestyles of the Smooth and Scaly: Fantastic Salamanders
Lifestyles of the Smooth and Scaly: Fantastic Salamanders
Online, AZ
Join us for our monthly peek into the world of amphibians and reptiles. This month we explore some of North America’s most fantastic salamanders. We will look at sirens, amphiumas, hellbenders, and more. Join us for a look at some of the coolest amphibians in the world.
Tuesday, January 21 2025
7:00 PM
8:00 PM
The World of Mammals: Bears
The World of Mammals: Bears
Online, AZ
Join Pima County naturalist Jeff Babson online via Zoom to explore the amazing world of mammals. Bears, members of the Ursidae, are among the most recognizable and charismatic mammals in the world. In this installment of The World of Mammals we explore the wonderful world of bruins.
Tuesday, January 28 2025
7:00 PM
8:00 PM
The World of Mammals: Rodents
The World of Mammals: Rodents
Online, AZ
Join Pima County naturalist Jeff Babson online via Zoom to explore the amazing world of mammals. The largest order of mammals is the rodents with over 4,600 species. Every terrestrial habitat has rodents. They burrow, climb, swim, and scamper all over the world. In this episode of The World of …
Tuesday, February 11 2025
7:00 PM
8:00 PM
Adventures in Birding: Thrushes
Adventures in Birding: Thrushes
Online, AZ
Join us for our monthly exploration of the world of birds, birding, and ornithology. What do American Robin, Veery, and bluebirds have in common? They are all thrushes, a widespread group of birds that include backyard species as well as notoriously skulking birds. This month’s episode of AIB loo…
Monday, February 3 2025
7:00 PM
8:00 PM
Stargazing Agua Caliente Park
Stargazing Agua Caliente Park
Tucson, AZ
Join us to explore the wonder and unfold the mysteries of the cosmos. Tucson Amateur Astronomy Association volunteers provide an introduction to the night sky and set up telescopes for celestial viewing. Feel free to bring your lawn chair. Free, family-friendly fun. Registration required. Weather p…
Friday, January 17 2025
6:30 PM
8:30 PM
Order Up!: Carrion Beetles
Order Up!: Carrion Beetles
Online, AZ
Join us for our monthly look into the world of insects and other invertebrates. Carrion beetles can be strikingly colored but are often overlooked as they are most often found in and around carcasses – things most people do not spend a lot of time investigating. Regardless, carrion beetles exhibi…
Monday, January 13 2025
7:00 PM
8:00 PM
Order Up!: Parasitoids
Order Up!: Parasitoids
Online, AZ
Join us for our monthly look into the world of insects and other invertebrates. One of the most fascinating, and gruesome, groups of insects are the parasitoids, which develop inside a host and eventually kill it. While unpleasant to think about, parasitoids are incredibly diverse and allies in c…
Tuesday, February 25 2025
7:00 PM
8:00 PM
Seasonal Naturalist Fireside Chat: Arizona Winter
Seasonal Naturalist Fireside Chat: Arizona Winter
Online, AZ
Join us for a casual hour of talking nature! Winter is often considered to be the time of year when Nature is taking a long nap. In this program we briefly look at what is going on in Nature at this time of year. It may not be what you think! After this brief introduction, we open the floor to …
Saturday, February 1 2025
7:00 PM
8:00 PM
Lifestyles of the Smooth and Scaly: Horned Lizards
Lifestyles of the Smooth and Scaly: Horned Lizards
Online, AZ
Join us for our monthly peek into the world of amphibians and reptiles. With their squat bodies and fearsome spines, horned lizards are iconic reptiles of the arid Southwest. This month we investigate the diversity of horned lizards as well as their interesting natural history.
Tuesday, February 4 2025
7:00 PM
8:00 PM
Stargazing Tucson Mountain Park (March)
Stargazing Tucson Mountain Park (March)
Tucson, AZ
Join us to explore the wonder and unfold the mysteries of the cosmos. Tucson Amateur Astronomy Association volunteers provide an introduction to the night sky and set up telescopes for celestial viewing. Weather permitting.
Friday, March 7 2025
7:00 PM
9:00 PM